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RGA Financial Models

Submitted by liangf on

This R&D project explores the development and assessment of various data-driven financial cash models to manage RGA’s global financial service products including longevity swaps, asset-intensive transactions, and pension risk transfers. Transaction-specific data runs the spectrum from voluminous to sparse. Transactions typically range from $100 million to $10+ billion. Participants will apply actuarial science and data science to develop various proxy models and assess underlying assumptions. Models are used to monitor performance, risk profiles, manage capital, and provide insights into business management. 

The iRisk team will collaborate with RGA Global Financial Services (GFS) Valuation Team Europe- Middle-East-Africa (EMEA) actuaries led by former ARMS instructor, Tim Cardinal. Fall 2024 will focus on learning the business, models, and data, developing problem definitions, and building prototypes. Spring 2025 will focus on operationalizing prototypes and learning insights into models’ strengths and weaknesses as they are applied to recent/new transactions. Without going into details, the work will be engaging, challenging, and exciting.

Students will be required to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). In your application, please indicate your interest in internships and co-ops. Ideally, we would like 1-3 of the iRisk student team to intern during summer 2025 and 1-2 students to co-op in fall and/or spring 2025. RGA is one of the largest global life and health reinsurers and is #223 on the Fortune 500 with offices in dozens of countries around the world from St. Louis and Toronto to London, Dublin, Paris, and Milan to Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, Tokyo, Mubai, and Dubai.

Supervisor: Xiaochen Jing, Frank Quan, Tim Cardinal

Date Published