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A Literature Review on Cyber Risk Studies Across Multidisciplines

Submitted by liangf on

Cyber risks have been posing increasing concerns to both the public and private sectors, drawing significant attention to the research on these risks. The study of cyber risks inherently involves multiple disciplines and is thus approached from various angles, including actuarial science, information science, computer science, insurance economics, legislation and policymaking. While research from each discipline provides valuable insights, there is a lack of a comprehensive review that outlines the connections among studies in these different fields. The purpose of this project is to conduct a comprehensive review of existing literature on cyber risks, identify the interconnections among studies from different approaches, and provide insights and inspirations for future synergistic research across various disciplines.

Students are expected to collect and organize literature on cyber risk studies and present the findings to the supervisor on a regular basis. Proficiency in scientific reading and presentation is required. A background in actuarial science, statistics, computer science, or information technology is preferred.

Supervisor: Wei Wei
Graduate Supervisor: Jiajie Yang

Date Published