Actuarial Program Approved to Offer All Available UEC Credits

The Actuarial Program at the University of Illinois has been approved to grant qualified students eligibility for UEC credits for all SOA exams that can be obtained through UEC credits, namely: FM, FAM_L, FAM_S, FAM, SRM, ASTAM and ALTAM. The final exam to be approved, SRM, will now be offered in the upcoming Spring 2023 semester, making the university one of very few to offer the full extent of UEC credits. Having successfully completed its first semester in place, this program provides high-quality training to students while granting them the opportunity to earn certification much more efficiently. The university looks forward to future semesters of developing this program with the support of the Society of Actuaries. 

This achievement was made possible through the work of director and professor Runhuan Feng, accreditation actuary and professor Claudia Frieji, and professors Tim Cardinal, Eric Icaza, Frank Quan, Xiaochen Jing, and Wei Wei. 

Click here to learn more about the University Earned Credit Program at UIUC.